Creating community. Maintaining connections.


Common Threads is the newsletter for the town of Harrisville, New Hampshire.

Our purpose is to connect residents and events in the community with each other. We report on present events, profile townspeople, illustrate history with archival primary sources, cover town business. Notices and advertisers link residents to resources and town affairs.

The first Common Threads was published in July/August 1994, guided by Patrice Laughner, but it lasted only a year or so since volunteers were sparse. After Harrisville’s Future Search in November 1997, Common Threads was reborn under the competent and inspiring leadership of Jeannie Eastman. It has been publishing six issues a year ever since. In 2014, Jeannie retired, and Deborah Abbott became the managing editor, ably assisted by contributing writers Sherry Sims, Rebecca Upjohn Snyder, and Susan Childress. Lindy Palmisano is our accomplished and agile graphic designer. Lida Stinchfield is our copy editor.

We welcome articles, poem, stories and photos by you. See the About page for more information.

As people come and go, Common Threads reminds us of those who built the town in the past and those who continue to maintain it and contribute to it in the present. Reading past issues, including several of the earliest, from the website past issue archives will convey a sense of the richness of Harrisville’s history and the intriguing people who shape it.

We welcome feedback about this website and about Common Threads. You can write to us here.